I was in my early 30's when my son Andy was born. A year and a half
later, he had a little brother join the family, Brady. As my wife and I experienced the delights and frustrations of parenthood, something unique happened. I began noticing special moments when my little guys taught me great lessons about God. I have been amazed at how wise my sons are one day, and foolish they can be the next. It got me to thinking...a lot of us act this way in relationship with our Heavenly Father. One day there is trust, the next day we doubt our father's faithfulness. One day there is obedience, the next we reject instruction. More than anything came the realization that I rarely display the patience and love toward my sons (and precious daughter) that God my father extends toward me each day.
Here you'll find a blog containing a collection of stories and insights that I hope will amuse and inspire. Some of the Bible's most challenging areas are tackled through the eyes of children. It is my hope that Christians will deepen their walk with Christ by exploring the character of God...and those unsure of their faith (or just getting started on their journey) get a glimpse of the love and grace available to all of us.
Stay encouraged...our kids deserve the best we've got. May they learn from us as much as we learn from them.
later, he had a little brother join the family, Brady. As my wife and I experienced the delights and frustrations of parenthood, something unique happened. I began noticing special moments when my little guys taught me great lessons about God. I have been amazed at how wise my sons are one day, and foolish they can be the next. It got me to thinking...a lot of us act this way in relationship with our Heavenly Father. One day there is trust, the next day we doubt our father's faithfulness. One day there is obedience, the next we reject instruction. More than anything came the realization that I rarely display the patience and love toward my sons (and precious daughter) that God my father extends toward me each day.
Here you'll find a blog containing a collection of stories and insights that I hope will amuse and inspire. Some of the Bible's most challenging areas are tackled through the eyes of children. It is my hope that Christians will deepen their walk with Christ by exploring the character of God...and those unsure of their faith (or just getting started on their journey) get a glimpse of the love and grace available to all of us.
Stay encouraged...our kids deserve the best we've got. May they learn from us as much as we learn from them.