declaration she was going to look for herself in the Bible showed wisdom
far beyond her years. As she carelessly turned the pages I realized we can
indeed find ourselves in Scripture. Are we:
Elijah- feeling abandoned by God after following His directions for us
Jonah- simply wanting to run from God out of fear, shame, or anger
Peter- brave and devoted with a sincere love for Jesus, but hopelessly impulsive and prone to stumble
The Rich Young Man- disappointed to learn that following Jesus means parting with the world’s treasures
The Blind Beggar– has heard great things about Jesus, but never experienced it for himself
Martha & Mary- weeping because Jesus showed up too late, they assume all hope is lost
Sampson- believing all the hype about himself, pride leads to a downfall
Those “in the Crowd”- they were simply overwhelmed with wonder at the power and love of Jesus
The Possessed Boy’s Father- declaring his belief in God, but also his struggles to keep his faith strong. “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.”
Those at the Cross- The thief who acknowledges Christ as King even when His power seems absent. Or the brave Centurion who stares at the cross and declares Jesus the “Son of God,” knowing he would lose it all for this public
Esther- needing a supernatural touch of bravery in a dire circumstance
Moses- feeling God’s assignment is simply beyond his ability
Joseph- in the pit, then the dungeon, waiting for God to rescue
David–ashamed for turning from God after years of His faithfulness
The Bleeding Woman- 12 years of physical suffering left her longing for a touch from Jesus
Nicodemus- the“religious” man who sought the face of Jesus
Thomas- his doubts left him without hope, until Jesus reveals himself.
There are hundreds more, and at different times we can climb into the skin of many different men and women from the Bible. That is the natural journey of life. Most listed above felt desperate and scared, until the Lord moved in a mighty, yet gracious manner. Sophie showed me yet another way, “The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword.”
“Read this book and this book will read you.” Someone a lot smarter than me said that about the Bible. But a 2 year old essentially cracked it open and said “Dad, we’re all in here somewhere.” And the best part is like she mentioned, more than anything, He loves us.