She's not the only one. In the midst of our pain, fear, and heartache we cry out to God for help. If only we could get to Him. We echo Job as he pleaded for a mediator between him and God. He was afraid and confused: "I would speak up without fear of Him, but I cannot...If only I knew where to find Him, if only I could go to His dwelling" (Job ch's 9&23).
I was there to lead Sophie to the one she desired, her mama. I was available and present to escort her to the comforter she sought. Yet she had to trust me to take her there. We have one willing and available to take our hand and lead us to the throne of God...directly into His presence. And we can do so without fear. "For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all" (I Timothy 2:5).
We stand and stomp our feet or cry in the corner wanting an audience with God, all the while Jesus stands before us, arms outstretched inviting us to meet with the Father. He can take us there. Perhaps its harder to trust and be vulnerable than to stand and scream. I finally convinced Sophie to let me embrace her and lead her to the one she desired. It may have been desperation, it may have been exhaustion...whatever the reason she decided to trust me. So what do we say to the Savior as He offers to lead us into friendship with God? We would be wise to stop stomping our feet and instead reach up and let Him lead. God has made Himself available...do we?